The 12 hex digits of source address consist of the first/leftĦ digits (which should match the vendor of the Ethernet network ) which could in the future be internet enabled!!! Source Address Assignment In practice, the address assignment policy (using flad addressing) will inevitably lead to some wastage - but even so, there are likely to be enougth addresses for ever computer, piece of networking equipment and a large numebr of household/office devices (heating systems, ovens, washing machines, fridges, drinks dispensors, security alarms, video recorders. This is more than 56,000 MAC addresses for each person on the planet! They might be written unhyphenated (e.g., 123456789ABC), or with one hyphen (e.g., 123456-789ABC), but should be written hyphenated by octets (e.g., 12:34:56:78:9A:BC).
Ethernet MAC address Assignments Ethernet MACĮthernet hardware addresses are 48 bits, expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits (0-9, plus A-F, capitalized).